Wisdom Tooth Removal Dubai - Wisdom Tooth Extraction Dubai - Trio Dental Center

Painless and Stress-free Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Dubai

Crowded or impacted wisdom teeth can cause a variety of complications. Wisdom tooth removal is usually proactive, aiming to preempt and prevent possible dental problems down the road, or reactive — treating pain and infection.

You might need wisdom tooth extraction in the following cases:

  • There isn’t enough space for the tooth to erupt
  • You are suffering from constant pain
  • Nearby teeth are getting damaged
  • Tooth decay
  • The tooth is causing jamming or crowding by pressing into the other teeth
  • Tooth or gum infection
Due to the limited space and partial eruption of wisdom teeth, they are more likely to develop cavities and periodontal infections than other teeth. Because of this, they should be removed as soon as possible.

How wisdom tooth removal works at Trio Dental Center

When planning extraction, our experienced dentists will evaluate your tooth and the area around it using clinical and X-ray images.

Depending on the surgery you need, we will decide which type of anaesthesia to use. We’ll also talk with you about what makes you feel comfortable before we administer any anaesthesia.

For patients who are highly anxious about dental procedures, we can provide general anaesthesia.

Once anaesthesia has been administered, our dentists will remove the wisdom tooth followed by a thorough cleaning of the affected area. If stitches are necessary, they are used to speed up the healing process. The last step is to place gauze over the wound, which will not only help in stopping the bleeding and also help with avoiding blood clot formation. 

Why choose Trio Dental Center for wisdom tooth removal?

At Trio Dental Center Dubai, our wisdom teeth specialists are committed to providing the best care for our patients. Our dentists use the latest technologies and cutting-edge best practices to ensure safe removal of impacted wisdom teeth. Reach out today to learn more about how it works.

Frequently asked questions

After your wisdom teeth have been extracted, you should avoid smoking for at least 48 hours.
For the first 24 hours after surgery, you should avoid brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth.
It’s best to avoid any strenuous activity for the next day or so, but you can get back to your regular routine after that.
After your surgery, if you need to take any medication, please consult with our dentist. You can also use ice packs for pain relief.
You will be numb during the procedure, so you won’t feel any pain. However, if you feel any discomfort or pain, let the doctor know and he will adjust the anaesthesia accordingly.
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