Dental Crowns and Bridges Duabai Business Bay - Trio Dental Center

Cosmetic Crowns and Bridges - Smile Happily and Confidently and regain your mouth’s full function with the Best Crowns and Bridges in Dubai

Improve the appearance of your chipped, cracked, or discoloured teeth with dental crowns and bridges at Trio Dental Center


If you have one or more gaps in your smile, a dental bridge can provide a beautiful, long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth. A bridge is typically made of crowns on either side of the gap and a false tooth (called the pontic) that connects the crowns. The pontic is cemented in place.

What are the benefits of dental bridges

  • A bridge can restore your ability to chew and eat efficiently, as well as improving your speech.
  • A dental bridge structure provides a balanced bite while chewing, allowing you to enjoy your food.
  • A dental bridge is not only an excellent way to replace a missing tooth, but it can also help you improve your smile and the aesthetics of your face.


Crowns are effectively used in smile makeovers and are a very popular way to improve the shape, colour and function of your smile. A crown is basically a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over a tooth that has been weakened by decay or damage. Crowns are also placed on top of a dental implant to cover it.

What are the benefits of dental crowns

  • It is critical to protect fragile teeth with dental crowns. Teeth that need root canal treatment should also be protected with crowns. 
  • Dental crowns can help your teeth look and feel better. Crowns made of ceramic are strong, beautiful and long-lasting. The colour of the crowns can be matched to the colour of your other teeth. Dental crowns can also hide cracks, fix chips or cover a tooth that has been damaged by trauma or decay.
  • Crowns are usually the most durable of the dental restorations, because they are made of strong and high quality materials.

What are Dental Crowns and Bridges used for?

A dental crown has multiple usages, such as:
  • To protect a tooth that is weakened for any reason
  • Cap and secure a dental implant
  • Restore a tooth that has been damaged severely
  • Improve the look of teeth that are very discoloured and/or decayed
  • To keep a dental bridge in place
  • Used after root canal to reinforce and protect the tooth
  • To protect and rebuild a broken tooth

Taking care of your dental crown

To ensure that your crowns last as long as possible, you should brush your teeth twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste and floss daily. Dentists recommend that you follow these habits to protect the underlying tooth from decay and gum disease.

Furthermore, make it a point to visit your dentist for regular check-ups and professional cleanings. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Crowns can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years, but proper care, good dental hygiene habits and regular dental checkups can make them last for decades.
No. Dental Crowns are noticeably stronger than other parts of a tooth, so they rarely break on their own.

Yes, there are.. One alternative to a dental crown or bridge is known as a dental implant. This involves fixing a titanium screw into your gums and into the bone itself, instead of capping the damaged tooth with an artificial tooth . Dental implants tend to be significantly more expensive than crowns or bridges, but they provide a more comprehensive solution for people with missing teeth.

Once the crown has been fixed onto the tooth, it could take a few hours before you can chew from that side of the mouth; however we recommend giving it a day before attempting to chew from the affected side of the mouth.
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