Dental Implants Dubai Business Bay - Implantologist in Dubai - Trio Dental Center

Restore a beautiful, healthy smile with Dental Implants in Dubai at Trio Dental Center

Dental implants are the most effective, long-lasting and natural-looking tooth replacement. They fuse with your bone, so they look and feel like your own teeth. Dental implants are meant to support one or several teeth at a time. They’re an effective alternative to having natural teeth.

How Trio Dental Center does Dental Implants

Trio Dental Center uses 3D dental imaging to ensure that your dental implant placement is as accurate as possible. This minimizes treatment time, reduces or eliminates the need for a bone graft, and drastically cuts down recovery time.

A CBCT scan is used to create a virtual 3D model of your jaw and mouth. We then use this information to create a surgical guide that enables us to place your implant in the right position at the time of surgery. 

Types of Dental Implants at Trio Dental Center Dubai

3D Guided Dental Implants

3d guided dental implants are the least invasive way to replace missing teeth than bridges or dentures. Not only do they require no surgery, but they also do not damage the gums or other teeth. When you choose Trio Dental Center, we use our onsite CBCT and 3D imaging equipment to customise your care to improve your results and ensure a very high degree of precision.

Same Day Dental Implants

In many cases, you can receive same-day dental implants to replace missing teeth. This can be beneficial if you need to minimise the time you spend waiting on your smile makeover.
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Why choose Trio Dental Center for your dental implants treatment in Dubai

  • Award-winning and experienced implantologists
  • Trio has a commitment to excellence
  • We have one of the highest success rates
  • We use the most latest technologies and procedures to ensure an high level of precision and least downtime
  • Bone assessments with CBCT scans

All on 6 Dental Implants

Patients with all their teeth removed can have a complete set of replacement teeth installed using six dental implants. The All-on-Six dental implant solution is more affordable and convenient compared to the other types of implants. This type of dental implant is ideal for patients who have lost too many teeth and wish to restore their natural smile.

All on 4 Dental Implants

All-on-four dental implants are a relatively new dental procedure that can provide patients with a permanent full arch prosthesis. All-on-four dental implants are a popular treatment for patients who have all their teeth extracted and want to avoid wearing dentures.

Frequently asked questions

The implant procedure itself may take about 1-2 hours. However, the entire procedure including healing time may take three to four months in cases where bone grafting is not required. If bone grafting is required, healing could take up to nine months. Please consult our implantologists for an accurate assessment as the time the procedure takes could vary from case to case.
To ensure that our patients feel as comfortable as possible during their procedures, we use sedative techniques and anaesthetics. Pain and anxiety often diminish rapidly after surgery; however, some discomfort can be expected for up to two days. We prescribe a course of medication with painkillers to manage this.
To ensure the best possible results, it is recommended that a dental implant be done after at least 3 months after tooth extraction.

Patients need to be cautious when biting on hard substances after dental implants are placed. Once the implants are restored and the bone has healed, patients can resume eating what they like. 

When you first get dental implants, it’s best to avoid hard foods for the first two weeks. After that, you can slowly introduce harder foods. Cleaning dental implants is the same as cleaning natural teeth; you should brush and floss twice a day. It is extremely important to visit your dentist every six months for checkups.

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